Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees
Post Views: 1,075 Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees Officials at Ocrinox’s Orbiter held a press conference earlier today to announce their intention to... Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees

Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees
Officials at Ocrinox’s Orbiter held a press conference earlier today to announce their intention to build a state-of-the-art resettlement facility for refugees of the Pegasi Pirate War.

“We recognize the plight of their friends in the Pegasi Sector, and extend our welcome to all those who wish to settle here. We encourage all those who have access to transport to come to Ocrinox’s Orbiter. You were promised citizenship – citizenship you shall have. You were promised protection – protection you shall have. You left home to seek a new life – a new life you shall have.”

The plan leans heavily on three aspects of the Munshin system: distance from the war, readily available food and jobs, and the necessary infrastructure to support a large population surge.

Reports also indicate that officials at Ocrinox’s Orbiter have sent messages to the Pilots Federation and Princess Aisling Duval asking for urgent delivery of medical supplies.

Commander Quade