Mistaken Identity Leads to Outrage Amongst Explorers’ Association Mistaken Identity Leads to Outrage Amongst Explorers’ Association
Post Views: 987 In a surprising twist to a story published earlier in the week, it would appear that the man previously believed to... Mistaken Identity Leads to Outrage Amongst Explorers’ Association

In a surprising twist to a story published earlier in the week, it would appear that the man previously believed to have been Commander Kamzel of the DSS Beagle, was in fact an imposter who had stolen the Commander’s identity in order to try and sell millions of credits worth of bogus data.

According to the real Commander Kamzel’s support team, the last communiqué from the intrepid explorer had come just days before the imposter had carried out his plan to impersonate the Commander. The communiqué in question stated that the Commander’s trusty ASP, the DSS Beagle, had received significant damage while in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

Lincoln station security services believe that the imposter managed to intercept the message to Kamzel’s team, at which point the thief decided to take advantage of the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the DSS Beagle in order to steal millions of credits.

It is believed that Commander Kamzel is currently on his way towards the Scutum-Centaurus arm, at which point he will attempt to send an encrypted signal to his team in case a rescue operation is needed.