Merger Creates Mega-Corporation Merger Creates Mega-Corporation
Post Views: 929 Two eminent corporations have merged to form one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the galaxy. Allied Medical Industries, based in... Merger Creates Mega-Corporation

Two eminent corporations have merged to form one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the galaxy.

Allied Medical Industries, based in Alliance space, has united with Neosalve Inc., a conglomerate that supplies medicines to a great many independent systems.

The new mega-corporation, Neomedical Industries, will sell a drugs, equipment and services to both Alliance and independent systems.

The merger was closely monitored by the Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO), an official inter-superpower body that regulates developments in medical science.

In the pharmaceutical arena, only the Vandermeer Corporation, which supplies medicines exclusively within Federal territory, is of a comparable size to the newly formed Neomedical Industries.