Galactic News: End of the Road for Damon Clarke Galactic News: End of the Road for Damon Clarke
Post Views: 1,103 When the dissident organisation known as Emperor’s Dawn was first brought to public attention, a number of high-profile Imperials were discovered... Galactic News: End of the Road for Damon Clarke

When the dissident organisation known as Emperor’s Dawn was first brought to public attention, a number of high-profile Imperials were discovered to have connections to the group. One of them was Damon Clarke, a prominent industrialist and a member of Princess Aisling Duval’s inner circle. According to a report published by the Imperial Herald, one of Clarke’s companies had previously sold weapons to Emperor’s Dawn, and the revelation plunged Clarke into scandal.

The prominent patron denied all knowledge of the transaction, but his declarations of innocence were undermined when he fled Imperial space. From that point on, no further information regarding Clarke’s whereabouts or actions was released to the public.

But now an undisclosed source, which claims to be close to the Imperial Internal Security Service, has shared news of Clarke’s fate. A section of the anonymous message is reprinted below:

“As you know, Clarke fled Imperial space when his connection to Emperor’s Dawn was discovered. But he didn’t get far. The IISS caught up with him in Apathaam and brought him back to Achenar.

“Clarke was looking at a death sentence, but the IISS offered him a deal: give up his contacts in Emperor’s Dawn in exchange for a more lenient sentence. Clarke jumped at the offer, and gave up everyone he knew. His information earned him a commuted sentence: house arrest at his home on Capitol. He even got to keep his car. A pretty good deal.”

“So time passes and Emperor’s Dawn gets its ass handed to it by the Empire. But a few of Clarke’s former contacts survive, and they’re none too happy about him selling them down the river. With IISS agents stationed at Clarke’s home, it wasn’t easy for them to get to him, but in the end they succeeded. Poisoned his food, I gather. Nasty way to go.”

The Imperial Internal Security Service has declined to comment on the matter.