Food Shortages Spark Civil Unrest Food Shortages Spark Civil Unrest
Post Views: 1,439 A recent commodity appeal has spurred civil unrest in several systems, with civilians fearing that their respective governments are unable to... Food Shortages Spark Civil Unrest

A recent commodity appeal has spurred civil unrest in several systems, with civilians fearing that their respective governments are unable to cope with the widespread crop failures.

Vox Galactica published a report on developments by journalist Adalyn Cross:

“Following crop failures on a massive scale, the projected availability of staple foodstuffs has drastically fallen in a number of systems. This, in turn, has triggered increased prices, panic buying and stockpiling – all of which have exacerbated the problem.”

“On the most severely impacted worlds, such as Birmingham and Simpson’s Eden, citizens are taking to the streets and demanding answers from the authorities. But with food supplies being strangled at the source, it appears little can be done to appease their frustration.”

Nathaniel Lopez of the Galactic Welfare Trust, a charitable aid foundation, made this statement:

“Low-income families and those dependent on welfare have been hit hardest by these shortages. Our organisation is distributing food cartridges, but frankly the magnitude of this situation dwarfs our efforts. Billions of people are at risk of going hungry if a solution cannot be found.”

“We call upon food manufacturers to help alleviate the problem by reducing prices. To those companies aiming to make a short-term profit, be warned – you could be contributing to significant loss of life from starvation.”