Eranin vs Federation skirmishes intensify Eranin vs Federation skirmishes intensify
Post Views: 1,919 Commanders are getting heavily involved in the growing conflict between Eranin and the Federation over Eranin’s 30th Anniversary of Independence. Almost... Eranin vs Federation skirmishes intensify

Commanders are getting heavily involved in the growing conflict between Eranin and the Federation over Eranin’s 30th Anniversary of Independence.

Almost as many missions were flown in support of each side in the past 24 hours as in the whole of the weekend since Eranin’s 30th anniversary. It is a similar story with Faulcon deLacy’s continued incredible 50%-off deal continuing to take significant hauling capacity out of the systems and replacing it with the highly combat capable Cobra.

Supporters of the beleaguered Eranin government are running illicit Eranian and Wyrd celebratory liquor to Federal starports – Commander Kudlmudl’s Sidewinder is the highest non-anonymous Commander with 17 liquor runs totalling 82 canisters. [LG] Khan has been putting his capacious Lakon Type 9 to good use in Eranin’s service with 3,671 canisters of liquor illicitly shipped over the course of 12 trade runs.

There is also a healthy black market weapons trade in support of the Federation.

Commander Neon Raven is currently ‘most wanted’ at Azeban City (Eranin, Independent), and Commander BlueFalcon is ‘most wanted’ at Chango Dock (i Bootis, Federal). Each have over 450 kills to their name.

GalNet data feeds indicate that some Commanders are taking advantage of the growing confusion to indulge in indiscriminate slaughter – Commanders Germaniac and Pheyes are both wanted for significant numbers of kills in the i Bootis system, but are also towards the top of the table of most bounties collected in the same system.

Commander ZaphodBeeble has emerged as the public face of ‘Freeport Tax and Protection Services’. Freeport is in the anarchic LP 98-132 system, and ZaphodBeeble and friends are operating what at first glance appears to be a straightforward protection racket.

Normally we would simply expect nature to take its course with such behavior, however with current levels of paranoia sweeping the systems we have to wonder whether there is some wider strategy at play. Will the erstwhile extortionists / enterprising entrepreneurs ultimately turn out to be yet another machination in the power play that is unfolding before our eyes?