Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies
galactic Newsli Yong-Ruisirius corporation 17 December 2020
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Sirius Corporation has successfully gathered materials to construct new independent settlements for Marlinist emigrants. Both the Empire and the Federation accepted the proposal from Sirius Corporation to establish colonies for the political refugees, who have been the cause of increased tension between the superpowers. CEO Li... Read more
*Pilots Federation ALERT* Multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham’s new orbital outpost at the galactic zenith is now operational. Rackham’s Peak is situated in the HIP 58832 system, one of the highest practical locations above the galactic plane. Its construction was funded by Rackham Capital Investments, in conjunction with Universal Cartographics and... Read more
Engineers Boost Ship Module Upgrading
galactic NewsindependentNMLA 17 December 2020
*Pilots Federation ALERT* The effectiveness of engineers’ upgrading for ship modules will be boosted until the 7th of January 3307. During this time, engineered weapons and modules will receive increased augmentation for the same amount of materials. This will apply to every workshop in Alliance, Imperial, Federal and independent... Read more