The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) has approved Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines as a legal medical product. A spokesperson for the IHO said: “We accept that this product is based on nanomedicines developed by Utopia, as asserted by Simguru Pranav Antal. But our ruling is that because they were obtained as... Read more
Nova Imperium Defeated in Paresa System
denton Patreusempirenova imperiumwars / conflicts 17 January 2019
The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium being defeated by Imperial organisation Yupini Limited. As the conflict drew to a close, Senator Denton Patreus made the following statement: “With the aid of our loyal Imperial auxiliaries, the isolationists’ forces have been significantly depleted. Let this... Read more
The Omega Mining Corporation has requested deliveries of raw materials for a new Orbis starport, to be built in the heart of the galaxy. The construction of the starport constitutes part of the ambitious Distant Worlds II expedition. Project leader Erimus Kamzel told the media: “The Distant Worlds fleet... Read more