Galactic News: Felicia Winters Comments on Halsey’s Committal
At a recent event at the Mars Business Society, Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters responded to a question concerning the hospitalisation of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey: “It was clear from the outset that she’d experienced a traumatic event, and that it impacted her psychologically as well as physically.... Read more
Freelance Report: Protesters Petition for Halsey’s Freedom
One year ago today, Federal President Jasmina Halsey and Vice-President Ethan Naylor embarked on a tour of Federation frontier systems. Two weeks later, Starship One was declared missing with all hands. Despite initial assessments that the ship would never be found, the remains of the vessel were located and... Read more
Freelance Report: Distant Worlds Flagship Anticipates Jaques’ Arrival
Preparations are underway for the Distant Worlds Expedition gala at Skvortsov Orbital, but one explorer will be unable to attend: Commander Olivia Vespera, pilot of the expedition’s fleet flagship, a Type-9 named Zombie Wasp IV. At the time of writing, Commander Vespera is still at Beagle Point, prospecting for... Read more