The Truth is Out There
galactic Newshistory 28 May 2015
Despite claims that the disappearance of Starship One was due to a failure in the ship’s Frame Shift Drive, rumours abound about a more sinister, possibly extraterrestrial explanation. Alex Snoori, host of the popular interstellar talk show Beyond Top Secret, had this to say to his listeners. “It’s an... Read more
Emergency Session of Congress
empirejasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearanceonionheadpolicy/economyzachary Hudson 28 May 2015
Shadow President Hudson today called an Emergency Session of Congress to address concerns surrounding Starship One’s disappearance. During the meeting, the Shadow President openly mocked the idea that Starship One’s disappearance could have been caused by simple engine failure. “Jasmina and I weren’t close – heck, we hated each... Read more