Federal State of Emergency: Winters Declared Acting President
federationfelicia Wintersjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancepolicy/economy 26 May 2015
At 15:00 hours universal galactic time on 26th May 3301, Secretary of State Felicia Winters assumed the role of Acting President of the Federation in the wake of the disappearance of Spaceflight One. Speaking in an emergency broadcast to the nation, Acting President Winters had this to say: “It... Read more
President Misses Meeting
federationjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancepolicy/economy 26 May 2015
Reports coming in from Saga indicate that the President has missed her scheduled meeting with delegates aboard Zudov Terminal. Maisy Stevenson, the leader of the Saga Republic Party, expressed her concern to GalNet in the following statement: “We were expecting Starflight One to arrive a little under 38 hours... Read more