Durius Defaults on Debt to Patreus Durius Defaults on Debt to Patreus
Post Views: 1,088 Senator Denton Patreus announced today in a press release that the government of the impoverished Durius system has defaulted on the... Durius Defaults on Debt to Patreus

Senator Denton Patreus announced today in a press release that the government of the impoverished Durius system has defaulted on the loan he provided in 3294. The Senator has given them 24 hours to make the overdue payment or action would be taken.

A haggard Governor Xavier Malachai, leader of “Durius Dominion” in Durius said to anxious reporters:

“The interest on this debt is crippling us. It is not as if the money helped the people of Durius. It went into military hardware, bought at full price from Patreus, all those years ago. We’ve offered to return the warships – we cannot afford to crew them anyway, but Patreus is not interested. We cannot afford the payment. We can’t sell them, so what can we do?”