Defending the Sim-Archive Defending the Sim-Archive
Post Views: 1,980 The Utopia commune has launched a project to build a military installation in its home system to defend the Sim-Archive from... Defending the Sim-Archive

The Utopia commune has launched a project to build a military installation in its home system to defend the Sim-Archive from potential Thargoid attack.

Dr Leigh Constantinides, a spokesperson for Utopia, made this announcement:

“Following recent observations by the respected strategist Marquis Novantico, we accept that the Sim-Archive requires increased protection to prevent its knowledge from falling into the wrong hands. Our partner organisation, the Narri Justice Party, is therefore overseeing the construction of a new security installation. We beseech the galactic community to support this worthy endeavour.”

Independent pilots are requested to deliver construction materials to Bobko City in the Narri system. To protect traders, the Narri Justice Party has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list operating in the system.

The campaign begins on the 3rd of May 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.