Prime Minister Mahon announces open trade agreement for Lave cluster
During a press conference in Alioth earlier today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has expressed his gratitude towards the independent pilots who supported his initiative to strengthen the economical bonds with the Old Worlds in the Lave cluster. Mahon assured his declared intention to keep the cluster open for traders... Lire la suite
Le premier ministre Mahon annonce la libre circulation des biens dans le Old World Cluster
Lors d’une conférence de presse sur Alioth plus tôt dans la journée, le premier ministre Mahon a exprimé sa gratitude envers les pilotes indépendants qui ont soutenu son initiative de renforcement de la présence économique de l’Alliance dans le Old World Cluster. Mahon a déclaré son intention de garder... Lire la suite
Federation Goes All In
In late 3300, the small Federal system of Dahan found itself being used as a staging area for a prolonged military campaign against the independent nation of Eranin. Eventually, Eranin managed to force back the Federal invasion. Although not before heavy losses were incurred by both sides. This week... Lire la suite
Reorte libéré par l’Alliance
Après 3 semaines d’activité intense dans le Cluster Lave, le Alliance Elite Dimplomatic Corps (AEDC) a réussi à rendre le contrôle de Reorte à une faction aligné avec l’Alliance. Plus tôt ce mois-ci, un groupe de pirates locaux avaient tentés de renommer le cluster « New Caribbean ». Alors que les... Lire la suite
Explorers Needed for Alliance Colonisation Programme
Beyond the borders of occupied human space, the vast mysteries of the universe are waiting to be discovered. The last thousand years of human history have been shaped by our combined ability to travel through the stars in search of a better future. Yet what has humanity done with... Lire la suite
Alioth Warns Lugh They Stand Alone
Speaking before a gathering of the Alliance Assembly today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has issued a warning to the Crimson State Group that it stands alone in its opposition to the Federation’s continued governance of Lugh. “It is not the place of the Alliance to intervene in matters of... Lire la suite
Lugh Prepares for War
Crimson State Group representatives who were still present on Alioth were forced to make a hasty departure earlier today, as reports of Federal checkpoints being established around local exit points began to hit the Alliance blogosphere. It would appear that the Federation means to finally show its hand in... Lire la suite
Tentative d’assassinat alors que le rassemblement de Lugh à Alioth s’accroit
Alioth a été la place d’une scène de chaos aujourd’hui, lorsque Éamonn Uí Laoghire s’est adressé à la foule après que sa seconde tentative pour obtenir audience auprès des représentants de l’Alliance ai échoué. Alors qu’il commençait son discours devant un grand nombre de personnes qui s’étaient rassemblées pour... Lire la suite
Lugh Makes a Bold Step Towards Independence
The Alioth system has been at the centre of controversy today after the arrival of Éamonn Uí Laoghire, the leading spokesperson in the current bid for independence of the Lugh system. While at the time of this report Ambassador Uí Laoghire has not yet been granted an audience with... Lire la suite
The Long Trip Home
After a week of wandering in HIP 110620 the Jaques Starport is now making its way through HIP 110079. GalNet is still no closer to learning the reason behind the station’s unexpected return, nor can we ascertain where the cyborg barman’s ultimate destination may be. A number of well... Lire la suite