Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate.
Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations.
However, representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message:
“We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine’s presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes.”
This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system.
Mainstream newsfeeds also covered the impact of Delaine’s arrival.
The Imperial Herald: “Senator Patreus officially complained about ‘the repulsive sight of pirate scum strolling alongside respectable politicians’. However, Chancellor Blaine agreed that Delaine could address the conference, albeit under close scrutiny.”
The Federal Times: “Neither Hudson nor Winters have commented on Delaine’s appearance, but the security chief for the Federal delegation remarked: ‘One wrong step and we’ll put some big holes right through their immunity.’”
The Alliance Tribune: “This is an unwelcome distraction from Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for Aegis’s remit to be enormously expanded. The Sirius Treaty will fully unite superpowers, corporations and independent systems against the Thargoids – assuming that Mahon can convince his fellow leaders to agree.”