*Pilots Federation ALERT*
The conflict in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system has been won by the Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah’Sine.
Support from independent pilots played a key role in defeating the Marlinism Reformation Party. The faction’s entire leadership has been arrested, with their replacements vowing to reshape it along politically moderate lines.
Minister Octavia Volkov made a declaration of victory to the Marlinist Parliament:
“The Neo-Marlinists have been crushed and Aaron Whyte is dead – a casualty of the war his terrorist paymasters began. I deeply regret that our society has suffered this, but have no regrets at destroying the NMLA’s political wing once and for all.”
Prime Consul Kayode Tau sent assurances to the Alliance, Empire and Federation that they should view this as “confirmation that the Marlinist Colonies are your steadfast allies in the fight against the NMLA”.
ACT has drafted in extra resources to investigate the Marlinism Reformation Party’s ties to Theta Group, the terrorist bomb-makers responsible for last month’s devastating starport attacks.
With First Minister Jenna Fairfax confirmed as among the fatalities, Acting First Minister Amrita Ross has organised a snap election to democratically appoint a new leader for the Marlinist Colonies.