Anti-Blight Treatment Discovered Anti-Blight Treatment Discovered
Post Views: 1,768 The galactic community has been asked to support an initiative that could counteract the blight that is devastating crops in hundreds... Anti-Blight Treatment Discovered

The galactic community has been asked to support an initiative that could counteract the blight that is devastating crops in hundreds of systems.

With the blight pathogen present across inhabited space, the Interstellar Association for Agriculture has decided to press ahead with controlled distribution of a promising new agronomic treatment.

The IAA’s Dr Genevieve Kane provided further information:

“Ever since the blight was identified, our scientists have been working alongside Rockforth Corporation research teams to develop an effective counteragent. We appreciate the full cooperation granted by Rockforth Corporation representatives in this endeavour.”

“Following essential contributions by both the Vandermeer Corporation and Neomedical Industries, we have developed an agronomic treatment that should reverse the disease’s effects.”

“The priority is to transport the treatment to the Diso and Orerve systems, which were among the first to be ravaged by the blight. If these primary agricultural centres can be made viable again, we can then proceed to revitalise crop production elsewhere.”

Agronomic Treatment can now be collected from the following markets:

Conway City, Ltt 4961

George Lucas, Leesti

Thomson Orbital, Lansbury

Cousin Ring, Tjindjin

Margulis Station, CD-44 10336

Nourse City, Esumindii

Independent traders have been asked to deliver the agronomic treatment to Shifnalport in the Diso system and Watson Station in the Orerve system.

The initiative is scheduled to run from the 24th to the 30th of October 3305. If the final targets are met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.