Ambassador Condemns Entrapment of Yuri Grom
ACTgalactic Newsyuri Gromzachary Hudson 4 October 2021 Bot Galnet

The Federal Diplomatic Corps has officially denounced President Hudson’s attempt to capture Yuri Grom in the Delta Pavonis system.
The political conference was to determine whether the system’s ruling faction would ally with the EG Union or the Federation. It was abandoned when a Federal black ops team attempted to arrest Yuri Grom’s delegation, triggering a conflict in the system.
Ambassador Delphine Dumont told The Federal Times:
“We have no option but to state that our own government has violated the conventions of diplomatic immunity. This conference was established in good faith with all parties. We were not informed that any hostile act against EG Union was planned.”
“I offer my personal apologies to Yuri Grom. Our negotiations were spirited but honest, and I genuinely felt that progress was being made.”
This is the first time that the Federal Diplomatic Corps has distanced itself from the actions of a sitting president. Political observers believe that this is to maintain its reputation for integrity, especially in dealings with the Alliance and Empire.
Public reaction in the Federation has been varied, with President Zachary Hudson being praised and criticised in equal measure. Insiders within his administration suggest that he is under enormous pressure to regain popularity, following the recent rebellion of several Federal systems.