Unknown Explorer Returns From NGC 3199 Nebula Unknown Explorer Returns From NGC 3199 Nebula
Post Views: 1,160 In a press release submitted to GalNet news, Commander Swift Arrow is announcing his recent return from the NGC 3199 Nebula.... Unknown Explorer Returns From NGC 3199 Nebula

In a press release submitted to GalNet news, Commander Swift Arrow is announcing his recent return from the NGC 3199 Nebula. Swift Arrow is claiming to be the first explorer to fully map out the entire NGC 3199 Sector, and the 2nd explorer to visit the nebula (the 1st was Commander Celmascant). According to the data turned in to Universal Cartographics, all but 5 of the 750 systems in the NGC 3199 Sector have been fully scanned for the first time by Swift Arrow.

The 35,000 light year journey started with an excursion to the Butterfly Nebula before heading to NGC 3199 and finally back to civilized space, a trip lasting approximately 5 weeks. Representatives from the Sirius Corporation, Patron’s Principles, Chapter of Isinor, the Alioth Independents and the Sublime Order of Van Maanen’s Star have expressed great interest Swift Arrow’s findings. The data was sold piece meal to each organization, who made various bids ranging from 7.1 to 11.2 million credits for specific high value systems. However, the largest bidder by far was the Patron’s Principles, who paid a whopping 37.3 million credits for a lion’s share of the data. The total value of the exploration data was just shy of 71 million credits.

Swift Arrow has issued a statement saying that he intends to release a guide to the NGC 3199 sector shortly in order to aid future explorers in further research of the area, including a short list of recommended points of interest and systems to avoid.