Supply Rare Goods for Rackham Celebration
Interstellar Initiative & CGzachary rackham 12 May 2022 Bot Galnet

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
The entrepreneur Zachary Rackham has asked for deliveries of rare items to Edmondson High in the Beta Hydri system.
At a press conference on the planet Homeland, Mr Rackham announced:
“It’s not every day that a humble businessman like me celebrates becoming a trillionaire! So I’m holding a week-long party in the upper floors of Rackham’s Spire. To make sure my guests are entertained, I’ll need to keep my stocks of Apa Vietii from Upaniklis, Gerasian Gueuze Beer from Geras, Pantaa Prayer Sticks from George Pantazis, Uszaian Tree Grubs from Uszaa and Anduliga Fire Works from Anduliga high throughout the entire week.”
“I’ve also arranged for pilots to receive temporary permits to the Beta Hydri system, which will last until the 2nd of June. Anything to make life easier for my trader friends!”
Mr Rackham faced criticism for hosting a celebration at a time when so many have died in recent Thargoid attacks. In response, he claimed he had “a duty to boost public morale by filling the news with happier stories”.
Financial reporter Bryanna Blanco commented in The Federal Times:
“The guest list for this party includes politicians, media magnates, publicity gurus, and many others who would prove useful if you were running a presidential campaign. Should Rackham get enough of them on his side – presumably by sparing no expense on their comfort and entertainment – I think he’ll officially set his sights on the Federation’s top job.”