Old World Resurgence in Diso
galactic News 8 May 2015 Bot Galnet

The newest rejuvenation project to hit the Old Worlds has been announced, and this time it’s the Green Party of Diso who have stepped up to the challenge of making its home a pleasant (and profitable) place to live.
As most traders are well aware, Diso is famous for its Diso Ma Corn. A hearty, healthy, tasty plant, this covers itself in a light dust which when snorted produces an intense but brief feeling of contentment and wellbeing. Currently, Diso Ma Corn can only be (cost-effectively) grown on the planet of Birmingham. This is due to a unique collection of nutrients found in the planet’s soil, combined with the near-constant bombardment of the planet by solar waves being ejected from Diso itself.
Now the Green Party of Diso is hoping to capitalise on its unique cash crop by increasing the output of Birmingham’s Ma Corn plantations. To do that, the Green Party has placed orders to the tune of 15 million tonnes worth of Machinery, in particular the Green Party are interest in purchasing a large quantity of Atmospheric Processors, Crop Harvesters, Power Generators and Water Purifiers.
In order to earn personal bonuses you must sign up as an active participant before selling Machinery to The Diso Green Party. Only Atmospheric Processors, Crop Harvesters, Power Generators and Water Purifiers sold after signing up will be counted towards your personal contribution total.