Neomedical Industries Onionhead Campaign Concludes Neomedical Industries Onionhead Campaign Concludes
Post Views: 734 *Pilots Federation ALERT* The pharmaceutical megacorp has received sufficient materials to produce onionhead gamma strain as a medical treatment. Pilots delivered... Neomedical Industries Onionhead Campaign Concludes

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The pharmaceutical megacorp has received sufficient materials to produce onionhead gamma strain as a medical treatment.

Pilots delivered shipments of H.E. suits, polymers and robotics to Crippen Port in the Haithis system. Payment for these deliveries is now available at the starport from the pharma giant’s corporate partner, Haithis Purple Dynamic Group.

Bounty vouchers were also offered for all wanted ships, in expectation of pirate attacks coordinated by the Kumo Crew syndicate. Their megaship remains in the Haithis system, which has raised concerns about further retaliation from Archon Delaine.

An announcement was made by Olwyn Kendrick, CEO of Neomedical Industries:

“Thanks to the sterling contributions, it looks like we are on track to roll out the medically certified strain of onionhead to approximately 15% of all independent systems and Alliance systems for the 17th of September 3307. It will soon be viewed as a vital healthcare product for millions of people rather than a notorious narcotic.”

There has been some criticism of the Alliance, especially from Federal and Imperial quarters, for allowing the popular psychedelic drug to be sold legally. However, the Assembly reiterated that most Alliance trading laws are enforced on a system by system basis, and that the deal is only there because of the firm assurances and underwriting made by Neomedical Industries.