Galactic News: United Sutekh Future Operation Succeeds Galactic News: United Sutekh Future Operation Succeeds
Post Views: 973 A spokesperson for United Sutekh Future has announced that the organisation has triumphed over the Adad Exchange in the Sutekh system.... Galactic News: United Sutekh Future Operation Succeeds

A spokesperson for United Sutekh Future has announced that the organisation has triumphed over the Adad Exchange in the Sutekh system.

The conflict began when the Adad Exchange attempted to plunder the remains of a Federal convoy for sensitive military intelligence. When United Sutekh Future learned of the plan, it launched an offensive against the Adad Exchange, eager to prevent the intelligence from falling into enemy hands.

Both campaigns received the support of hundreds of independent pilots, but ultimately it was United Sutekh Future that emerged victorious. A spokesperson for the organisation thanked those who supported its operation.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Archemides Gateway in the Sutekh system.