Galactic News: Curious Message Discovered Galactic News: Curious Message Discovered
Post Views: 1,149 A group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have found a message in the exploration data gathered... Galactic News: Curious Message Discovered

A group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have found a message in the exploration data gathered last year as part of a campaign organised by the Children of Raxxla.

A spokesperson for the group, which calls itself The Hamsters, said:

“It was inside one of the beacon modulator wave harmonics, and it seems to be some sort of rhyme. We’ve studied it but have come up with nothing, so we thought we’d share it with the galactic community.”

The message is reprinted in full below.

The river to the underworld

Gaia’s daughter all unfurled

Fourth minor bear in vain

By viper’s sting was slain

Also known as Nemesis

The doom of Chimera

She is tasked with soothing pain

Suckling Odysseus from afar

Mother of the mother of

Leader of the Titans

He transformed into a hawk

A daughter of Daedalion’s

The piercer was how he was known

Mother of Ulysses

Ruler of the winds

God of night, primordial flees

Zeus’ namesake now lies in Sol

Achilles’ favoured horse

Women of vengeance infernal

The vain queen rides not forth

A final word, a course to follow, a poor miser’s sum

If you would understand it all, seek Fibonacci’s Zephyrum