Galactic Mysteries: Jokers’ Deck
galactic News 29 September 2021 Bot Galnet

Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency discusses the secretive gambling circle attended by the galaxy’s wealthiest players.
“Casinos and gaming hubs have always been popular, tempting people to risk their credits for the chance to score a lucrative win. But where do the billionaires and trillionaires go to enjoy that buzz?”
“Jokers’ Deck is a highly exclusive gambling event attended only by the rich and powerful. Nobody knows who runs it, only that it’s held in a different location each time. Its attendees are guaranteed – and can afford – total anonymity.”
“There was one exception. In 3305, Wallglass was hired to find the heiress Lady Talitha Ambrose, after she vanished along with her family’s fortune. I was part of the team that discovered she had gambled away 300 billion credits at Jokers’ Deck in a high-stakes game of deadlock poker. Their security was so tight that we never learned much more.”
“This year I’ve been tracking several rumours, such as Jokers’ Deck being present at the Galactic Summit and inviting political leaders to settle their differences at the roue mortelle table. But thanks to some costly bribes – which hopefully I can claim back as expenses – I’ve finally got a solid lead.”
“My partner, Francesca Wolfe, and I should have more to reveal soon. With a little luck we will gain a unique insight into this most privileged of gambling dens. Assuming we play our cards right…”