Freelance Report: Sideris Remains Open Minded Freelance Report: Sideris Remains Open Minded
Post Views: 1,187 Cynthia Sideris, chair of Universal Cartographics, made a brief comment outside UC headquarters this morning on Jasmina Halsey’s ostensibly unsuccessful search... Freelance Report: Sideris Remains Open Minded

Cynthia Sideris, chair of Universal Cartographics, made a brief comment outside UC headquarters this morning on Jasmina Halsey’s ostensibly unsuccessful search for the “architects of creation”:

“Whether or not President Halsey’s ‘architects’ exist is open to question, but chances are that some form of non-human sentience exists in our galaxy. We’ve received data from as far as Beagle Point, but even that represents only an infinitesimal fraction of known stars in the galaxy. We can only keep looking.”

President Halsey’s psychological review continues.

Commander Stateira Eleshenar

Zandu Science Journal | Interstellar Press