Freelance Report: Buckyball Presents Heavy Metal Megadeth Freelance Report: Buckyball Presents Heavy Metal Megadeth
Post Views: 2,007 Following the success of the Total Recall 2 event, the Pilots Federation has asked the Buckyball Racing Club to help it... Freelance Report: Buckyball Presents Heavy Metal Megadeth

Following the success of the Total Recall 2 event, the Pilots Federation has asked the Buckyball Racing Club to help it investigate a pressing safety issue.

Since the start of the year, the Pilots Federation has noticed a sharp increase in the number of crash landings on high-gravity planets. To assess whether or not ship thrusters require an across-the-board power increase, the organisation has asked the Buckyball Racing Club to organise an event that pushes ships to their maximum tolerance during high-gravity landings.

To this end, the Buckyball Racing club invites pilots to gather at Cook Gateway in the Medzistha system. After departing from Cook Gateway, pilots must perform a single hyperspace jump to Omicron Capricorni B, land on planet A4 – anywhere – and return to Cook Gateway.

Pilots are warned that Omicron Capricorni B A 4 has a surface gravity of 4g, so extreme caution should be exercised when exiting orbital cruise.

The event will run from 00.00 UTC on the 6th of September until 23.59 UTC on the 11th of September.

Commander Markzx59