Emperor’s Dawn Bases Discovered
denton Patreusemperor’s dawnpolicy/economy 11 September 2015 Bot Galnet

Emperor’s Dawn Bases Discovered
According to the office of Senator Denton Patreus, Imperial intelligence has discovered several bases belonging to Emperor’s Dawn. Senator Patreus, who is leading the campaign against Emperor’s Dawn, has issued a statement confirming that he is initiating a combat operation designed to destroy the insurrectionists. The senator made the following announcement to the press:
“We are not dealing merely with treasonous sentiments here – we are dealing with a violent organisation that has shown itself willing and able to commit truly heinous acts. They have already taken the life of our beloved Emperor – where might their misguided rage fall next? We must act swiftly and decisively if we are to eliminate this threat to the Empire.”
Imperial forces have been mobilised for the operation, but independent pilots are also being called on to lend their aid. Senator Patreus is offering generous rewards to those who contribute to the campaign.