Community Goal: Remembrance Week
Interstellar Initiative & CG 12 October 2017 Bot Galnet

Last year, a commemorative event was held for the late entrepreneur Walter Waldo in the Gyvatices system. Not only was the memorial a success, it became an event of collective remembrance, as pilots from across the galaxy convened to honour people and events of personal significance.
Following the event’s popularity, the Labour Union of Kauruk has announced the first annual Remembrance Week. The event will give the public an opportunity to remember absent friends and departed loved ones.
As preparations begin, the organisation has placed an open order for a range of commodities and materials, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Moore Terminal in the Kauruk system.
A spokesperson for the organisation released the following statement:
“Most of us have something we want to honour, celebrate, or remember. This event will give the galactic community a chance to do just that, in an atmosphere of mutual support.”
“I believe this is something the galaxy needs – now more than ever.”
The campaign begins on 12th of October 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.