Community Goal: Canonn Launches Campaign Community Goal: Canonn Launches Campaign
Post Views: 1,156 The Canonn Interstellar Research Group has announced plans to construct a new deep-space research vessel to support its mission of apolitical... Community Goal: Canonn Launches Campaign

The Canonn Interstellar Research Group has announced plans to construct a new deep-space research vessel to support its mission of apolitical collaborative research. The purpose of the ship – which will be called the Gnosis – is to aid explorers and scientists from various fields, and to provide facilities for pilots conducting scientific research in deep space.

The LTT 377 Allied Co, on behalf of the Canonn, has placed an open order for indium, computer components and tea, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Zoline Port in the LTT 377 system. The organisation has also launched a bounty hunting campaign to protect traders travelling to Zoline Port.

Dr Arcanonn, head of Canonn, released the following statement:

“The need for such a resource is undeniable, and I hope it will fulfil the needs of both the scientific community and the wider galactic society.”

The campaign begins on the 11th May 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.