A Clash of Titans
In this third article in GalNet’s series about the defining moments in human history, famed historian Sima Kalhana discusses the first war between the Federation and what would become the Empire. – Although there had been other small-scale incidents beyond the Solar System, the war between the Federation and... Lire la suite
L’Empereur parle en faveur de l’unité
Bien que l’Empereur ait montré quelques signes de fragilité quand il a comparu devant le Sénat plus tôt aujourd’hui, sa voix était ferme quand il a appelé l’assemblée des Sénateurs à travailler ensemble et non les uns contre les autres pour le bien de l’Empire. « Nous vivons des temps... Lire la suite
Adle’s Armada tente d’enrayer le trafic d’armes illégales à Hel
Adle’s Armada, un groupe soutenant la Fédération, a réagi à des rapports concernant un trafic d’armes illégales entre l’organisation criminelle Cosmic State, dirigée par le PDG de Hammer Arms, Grimnir Allvadderung, et Vaarwen Mako Brennus, leader d’Emperor’s Grace fidèle à l’Empire. « Ca ne peut pas durer ! Notre... Lire la suite
Origins of the Velites Squadron
The ancient proverb, “necessity is the mother of all invention,” remains true, even in 3301. Commander Na’Qan came from humble beginnings as a miner in distant Imperial colonies. Piracy being rife in those systems, he found himself in their sights regularly. Knowing he could not outrun them in his... Lire la suite
Long Live the Emperor!
Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval made a surprise statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace today. With obvious joy on his face he declared that the Emperor has awoken from his coma. “It is with great pleasure I can announce that Emperor Hengist Duval awoke... Lire la suite
Rise of the Nova Fleet on the Frontier
After several decades as a Freelancer member of the Pilots Federation, Commander DarkStar decided to unite a fleet of former Imperial and Federal pilot. Working closely with Commander Equin0x, he united them into forming a freelancer fleet to patrol the frontier and assisting in their economic development. The long... Lire la suite
The Birth of an Empire
Continuing GalNet’s series about the defining moments in human history, famed historian Sima Kalhana talks about how the Empire came to be. – The Empire has become such a dominant presence in human culture that it is easy to forget that for almost a century the heart of what... Lire la suite
Naval Academy Graduates join « Operation Davy Jones » in the Pegasi Sector
Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the prestigious Naval Academy of Achenar, Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval announced her campaign to liberate the 5.6 billion Imperial citizens scattered throughout the Pegasi sector. « I wish to extend my personal congratulations for your commitment to personal excellence and to the Empire. As you... Lire la suite
Grand Sale of Slaves in Carns
Following up on yesterday’s surprise announcement of changing economic policy in the Carns system, Deputy Communications Officer Ramon Lamor outlined further changes: “In the fine traditions of the Empire, our extraction facilities relied on the unyielding efforts of our imperial slave workforce. Their devoted service has been the foundation... Lire la suite
Cosmic State and Emperor’s Grace Develop Joint Technology Company
It has been formally announced that an Agreement has been reached between Hammer Arms, biggest independent arms dealer with a seat in Hel, Home of Cosmic State and Emperor’s Grace. This is the first ever such agreement made by the fiercely proud and independent Cosmic State with an Imperial... Lire la suite