Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 1 December 2016
Ever since Jaques Station arrived in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 in June, thousands of galactic citizens have migrated to the system in search of a new way of life. The migration movement has resulted in a number of new outposts in the region, as well as a chain of... Read more
Freelance Report: The Christmas Carriers Convoy
Colonia 5 November 2016
The Colonia Citizens Network has invited the galactic community to support Colonia by delivering much-needed food and equipment to the region and by transporting new settlers, as part of what is set to be one of the largest freight convoys in human history. The Christmas Carriers Convoy will depart... Read more
Galactic News: Colonia Council Initiative Concludes
Coloniagalactic Newsjaques station 3 November 2016
The Colonia Council has announced that its appeal for palladium was a resounding success, with hundreds of pilots delivering materials to Jaques Station in response to the request. The materials will be used to support further colonisation of the Colonia Nebula, and address the needs of the growing Colonia... Read more
The Colonia Citizens Network has reported that fungal growths have been discovered on the airless world of Colonia 3 C A. There appear to be four distinct species, which grow on silicate geysers. Mycologist Dr James Morel had this to say about the discovery: “Based on the visual telemetry,... Read more
Community Goal: Strengthening the Colonia Community
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 20 October 2016
The Colonia Council, the governing body of the Colonia system, has launched a campaign to expand infrastructure and manufacturing facilities in the region. The initiative is intended to support future colonisation of the Colonia Nebula, and address the needs of the growing Colonia community. In a statement, a spokesperson... Read more
Latugara PLC, which recently launched a successful campaign to establish a series of outposts between the Colonia Nebula and the core systems, has announced where the new outposts will be built. The name of each outpost has also been revealed. The complete list is as follows: Hillary Depot –... Read more
Galactic News: Colonia Appeal Concludes
Coloniagalactic News 13 October 2016
It has been four weeks since the Latugara PLC announced plans to establish a series of outposts between the burgeoning Colonia Nebula community and the core of human-inhabited space. Since then, the galactic community has delivered huge quantities of materials to Love Orbital for use in the construction. A... Read more
Community Goal: The Colonia Connection
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CG 15 September 2016
Latugara PLC, an independent organisation based in the Latugara system, has announced plans to construct a series of outposts between the core of human-inhabited space and the rapidly expanding Colonia Nebula community. In a statement, the organisation’s spokesperson said: “Given the relatively remote nature of the Colonia community, there’s... Read more
Freelance Report: August Exodus Ends with a Bang
Coloniajaques stationpilots achievements 2 September 2016
On the 30th of August 3302, the August Exodus came to end with dozens of independent pilots assembling outside Jaques Station for photos and general tomfoolery. Despite a few explosions, revellers enjoyed a race on the track that will host the first official event of the newly established Colonia... Read more
The 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction has announced that its campaign to establish a new outpost in the Colonia Nebula has received the unqualified support of the galactic community. Hundreds of independent pilots responded to the appeal, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Jaques Station, the organisation’s base... Read more