The fifth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. The Council is now processing the deliveries to confirm exactly how... Read more
Recent reports indicate that the Colonia Co-operative resource drive has received the wholehearted support of the galactic community. Thousands of tonnes of resources have been delivered to Jaques Station over the past week, which will be used to develop infrastructure throughout Colonia and the surrounding systems. The Colonia Co-operative... Read more
It has now been eight months since the first Colonia outpost was established, and since then the colony has gone from strength to strength. With the Colonia community continuing to expand, the Colonia Co-operative has placed an open order for mined Gallite, Gold and Methanol Monohydrate Crystals for the... Read more
The fourth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. As the appeal drew to a close, a spokesperson for the... Read more
Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 6 April 2017
The Colonia Council has launched its fifth migration appeal, giving the galaxy’s minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula. A spokesperson for the council explained the nature of the initiative: “Once again we are asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques... Read more
Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 9 March 2017
The Colonia Council has launched a fourth migration appeal, giving the galaxy’s minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula. A spokesperson for the organisation explained the nature of the initiative: “Once again we are asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques... Read more
This weekend, the Mercury Seven expedition will depart from Jaques Station in the Colonia system. Citizens are invited to join the expedition, or to watch it depart at 7.00 UTC on the 5th of March 3303. The expedition takes its name from the Mercury Seven, a group of astronauts... Read more
Galactic News: Second Colonia Appeal Concludes
Coloniagalactic News 3 February 2017
The second Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. In a statement, a spokesperson for the Colonia Council said: “We... Read more
Community Goal: The Colonia Expansion
ColoniaInterstellar Initiative & CGjaques station 2 February 2017
The Colonia Council has launched a third migration appeal, giving the galaxy’s minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia Nebula. A spokesperson for the organisation explained the nature of the initiative: “Once again we are asking pilots to deliver a specific commodity to Jaques... Read more
Last month, the Colonia Council launched the first in a series of initiatives to determine which organisations would join the rapidly expanding Colonia community. The Council has now launched a second initiative, once again giving the galaxy’s minor factions an opportunity to establish a permanent presence in the Colonia... Read more