Au cours de cette nouvelle série exclusive à GalNet, le politologue Marcus Macmallan décortique le apssé et les motivations des personnalités les plus influentes de l’année 3301. Ce premier article est consacré à la reine des médias, l’adorable égérie de la politique impériale, la princesse Aisling Duval. Fille aînée...
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Newly promoted Chief Communications Officer Ramon Lamor held an enthusiastic press conference announcing the success of Humason Orbital’s project to upgrade its economy to High Tech. “This is great news for our future. This economic development will lead to a new era of prosperity for Humason Orbital and the...
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Les Fels Rats ont reçu un signal de détresse du CMDR Neospike, de retour de Sagittarius A*, quand ce dernier a cassé son récupérateur de carburant, le laissant échoué à plus de 3.600 AL de la civilisation. La séquence de reboot/réparation n’a pas réussi à régler le problème. Plusieurs...
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Joel Xander, the Federal governor of BD-22 3573 of the Federally aligned Forrester Station, has been removed from office and arrested by Federal agents in a surprise raid early this morning. Xander and members of his family have been taken off the planet in an escorted Dropship marked with...
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The Kumo Crew has been known to brand free citizens as slaves and ferry them to an uncertain fate in their capital system, Harma. The Imperial blockade of Harma and the surrounding systems has intercepted thousands of these slaves, many of whom are emaciated, deeply bruised, and otherwise afflicted....
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Adle’s Armada, un groupe soutenant la Fédération, a réagi à des rapports concernant un trafic d’armes illégales entre l’organisation criminelle Cosmic State, dirigée par le PDG de Hammer Arms, Grimnir Allvadderung, et Vaarwen Mako Brennus, leader d’Emperor’s Grace fidèle à l’Empire. « Ca ne peut pas durer ! Notre...
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The grand slave sale held on Humason Orbital in the Carns system has ended. Deputy Communications Officer Ramon Lamor declared the sale a success, but refused to comment further, or provide actual numbers. He did confirm that a report analysing the sale and the recent activity for the planned...
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Continuing GalNet’s series about the defining moments in human history, famed historian Sima Kalhana talks about how the Empire came to be. – The Empire has become such a dominant presence in human culture that it is easy to forget that for almost a century the heart of what...
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Latest Powerplay Column Another week has passed, and the great and powerful of the galaxy continue to vie for power and influence. Who has prospered? Who has struggled? Read on to find out. Arissa Lavigny-Duval continued to expand at a rapid pace despite the fact that having her forces...
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The leadership for Humason Orbital in the Carns system responded today to a report released earlier in the week, suggesting that the mining operations in the system would soon become uneconomical. Plans were revealed to upgrade the extraction and industrial facilities to support high tech operations. In the press...
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