Brewer Corporation to Fund Survey Initiative Brewer Corporation to Fund Survey Initiative
Post Views: 99 Cartographics has partnered with us to collect, analyse and process the very latest exploration data, to help calibrate our metrics for... Brewer Corporation to Fund Survey Initiative

Cartographics has partnered with us to collect, analyse and process the very latest exploration data, to help calibrate our metrics for optimal colonisation targets.”

Brewer Corporation, which constructs Coriolis and Orbis starports, has supported localised expansion efforts in the past. But, until today, it had given shareholders no sign that it would endorse widespread colonisation plans.

Some media analysts have claimed that Brewer Corporation has been in significant talks with superpower lobbyists in recent weeks, which could explain the change of heart. The level of influence the superpowers had on this announcement is unconfirmed.

Explorers who wish to contribute to the initiative can hand in exploration data to the Trailblazer Echo in the HIP 90578 system. Contributions will be valued by thoroughness, with full FSS scans and planetary probing completions rewarded higher.