Alioth Warns Lugh They Stand Alone
Actualité GalactiqueAllianceEdmund MahonFédérationGuerre de Lugh 11 mars 2015
Speaking before a gathering of the Alliance Assembly today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has issued a warning to the Crimson State Group that it stands alone in its opposition to the Federation’s continued governance of Lugh. “It is not the place of the Alliance to intervene in matters of... Lire la suite
Word has reached GalNet that an investigation into the Galactic Mechanics Union will result in charges being brought against the organisation by all three of the galaxy’s major powers. The investigation, which was carried out in secret by a consortium of independent investigators, has found that the GMU has... Lire la suite
Prism Senator will not be late, not even slightly
Actualité GalactiqueEmpireSalomé / Kahina Tijani Loren 9 mars 2015
In another administrative mix up, Lady Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier has been denied docking clearance at Mars High. Official observers report that an Imperial Courier attempted to dock without prior permission and when confronted, refused to acknowledge hails. Unofficial, and anonymous, reports from independent traders seem to favour... Lire la suite
Federal Congress Calls Emergency Session
Actualité GalactiqueFédérationGuerre de LughJasmina Halsey 9 mars 2015
An emergency special session of the Federal Congress was held today to discuss how best to deal with the Crimson State Group’s attempt to force Lugh to secede from the Federation. Lugh is home to 15.3 billion residents, who are supported almost entirely by the vast natural resources that... Lire la suite
Aisling Duval is in the spotlight again today, following a rather passionate outburst on the Empire’s most-watched reality stream show, Celebrity Pets. “The truth is every pet we’ve seen tonight lives a better life than the billions of slaves who are busy working themselves to death while all you... Lire la suite
La sénatrice de Prism ne sera pas en retard, ne serais ce qu’un peu !
Actualité GalactiqueEmpireSalomé / Kahina Tijani Loren 6 mars 2015
Un cafouillage administratif, il se dit que le vaisseau de dame Kahina (un Imperial Courrier) c’est vu refusé l’autorisation d’atterrissage à la station Mars High. L’officier qui contrôle les autorisations d’atterrissage de la station a signalé qu’un Imperial Courrier a essayé de se poser sans autorisation préalable et que... Lire la suite
Today marks the official opening of the first Deep Space Exploration Platform being sponsored by the Explorers’ Association in conjunction with Universal Cartographics. The station will initially be housed in New Yembo, a resource rich system on the outer edges of human-occupied space. Thousands of Commanders helped provide the... Lire la suite
Torval Handles the Help in Synteini
Actualité GalactiqueAnders BlaineEmpireZemina Torval 5 mars 2015
Corporations operating under the direction of Senator Zemina Torval have been making waves throughout the Empire this week, as shipments of unregulated slaves continue to pour into Imperially -sanctioned slave training centres in Synteini. Despite the questionable legal nature of the Senator’s import operations, the Senate has so far... Lire la suite
The Big G Corporation, in association with the Alliance of Independent Systems, is pleased to announce that a dozen planets involved in the Alliance terraforming programme are finally ready to undergo their last stage of biochemical transformation. The first set of planets to undergo the final stage of terraforming... Lire la suite
Lugh Ambassador Accuses Federal Party of Foul Play
Actualité GalactiqueFédérationGuerre de Lugh 2 mars 2015
Lugh Ambassador Éamonn Uí Laoghire, the leading spokesman for the Crimson State Group, held his third and final rally on Alioth today. After a heated speech, in which he spared no quarter for the Federation and their mistreatment of the Lugh population (who he repeatedly referred to as ‘The... Lire la suite