New Era of System Colonisation Hailed a Success New Era of System Colonisation Hailed a Success
Post Views: 15 The first wave of newly colonised star systems has been labelled a ‘remarkable success’ by observers from across the core systems.... New Era of System Colonisation Hailed a Success

The first wave of newly colonised star systems has been labelled a ‘remarkable success’ by observers from across the core systems.

Harlow Nassry of the Federal Times wrote that “the raw potential of these new ports and settlements has inspired migration, with a notable number of displaced refugees from Sol boarding colony ships to start fresh.”

Colm Tornquist of the Imperial Herald noted the “considerable opportunity offered by Brewer Corporation’s support system for independent system colonisation,” remarking that “these fledgling populations are potential candidates to accept the Empire’s benevolence.”

Meanwhile, Irfan Karim of the Alliance Tribune suggested the “commercial enterprise offered by these system architects is truly impressive. One wonders just how far this new frontier will expand, given the industrial potency of these trailblazing communities.”

Brewer Corporation has released the official figures on the initial colonisation rush:

26,684 Claims have been made

13,165 Systems have been colonised

24,037 New starports and outposts have been built

14,216 Surface installations have been established

983,599,593 Units of cargo have been delivered to construction sites