Torval Handles the Help in Synteini
Actualité GalactiqueAnders BlaineEmpireZemina Torval 5 mars 2015
Post Views: 865 Corporations operating under the direction of Senator Zemina Torval have been making waves throughout the Empire this week, as shipments of unregulated slaves continue to pour into Imperially -sanctioned slave training centres in Synteini. Despite the questionable legal nature of the Senator’s import operations, the Senate... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 075 Imperial forces have decimated the majority of the Falisci Purple Gang’s fleet, just five days after the Citizens of Tradition declared war against the dreaded pirate crew and their allies. Now only a handful of the Purple Gang’s most stalwart members remain to defend their territory... Lire la suite
Post Views: 984 The Big G Corporation, in association with the Alliance of Independent Systems, is pleased to announce that a dozen planets involved in the Alliance terraforming programme are finally ready to undergo their last stage of biochemical transformation. The first set of planets to undergo the final... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 643 News is coming out of the Tanmark system of an ongoing conflict having broken out between the Defence Force of Tanmark and a local criminal gang known as the Tanmark Posse. The Tanmark Posse are reportedly the main driving force behind the recent cultivation of Lucan... Lire la suite
Lugh Ambassador Accuses Federal Party of Foul Play
Actualité GalactiqueFédérationGuerre de Lugh 2 mars 2015
Post Views: 894 Lugh Ambassador Éamonn Uí Laoghire, the leading spokesman for the Crimson State Group, held his third and final rally on Alioth today. After a heated speech, in which he spared no quarter for the Federation and their mistreatment of the Lugh population (who he repeatedly referred... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 119 The Sirius Corporation is pleased to announce that the reconnaissance portion of its latest colonisation project has now drawn to a close. Hundreds of highly skilled scout ships took part in the survey, which managed to gather data on tens of thousands of potential candidate systems.... Lire la suite
Post Views: 965 The Imperial Slavers Association, in conjunction with Senator Zemina Torval, is pleased to announce the official opening of the newest ISA slave training facility aboard Lagerkvist Gateway in the Synteini system. The facility, which includes state of the art skill implantation terminals and body sculpting shops,... Lire la suite
A Distant Rendezvous – 43,000 Light Years from Home
Actualité GalactiqueExploit de joueur 1 mars 2015
Post Views: 1 635 On the fringe of the Scutum-Centaurus arm, on the far side of the galaxy, two lone deep space explorers rendezvoused at a star system called EACTAINDS GN-W C1-6. CMDR R4nger0’s mission? To cross the galaxy in a Sidewinder. CMDR Kamzel’s mission? Returning to Earth after an... Lire la suite
GalNet Galactic – rapports de guerre
Actualité Galactique 28 février 2015
Post Views: 1 028 Le conflit entre la Federal Navy et les Polahukuna Raiders a pris une tournure inattendue ce week-end, à la suite de rapports annonçant que la Fédération avait commencé la construction d’un nouveau Farragut class battlecruiser dans les chantiers navals d’Hudson Dock. De leur coté, les Polahukuna... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 128 Un afflux de mineurs semi-professionnels de Sol a provoqué une augmentation significative de la demande d’extracteurs miniers dans le système LAWD 26. Pour répondre à cette demande l’Union of Toofla Progressive Party offre actuellement d’excellents tarifs sur les extracteurs miniers à la Stone’s Legacy. Et comme... Lire la suite