Dysfonctionnement ou Malice ?
Actualité GalactiqueDisparition de Jasmina HasleyFédérationJasmina Halsey 30 mai 2015
Cela fait maintenant cinq jours que le contact avec Starship One a été perdu, et les équipes de recherche et de sauvetage n’ont pas encore trouvé de trace du navire manquant ou de son équipage. Selon le lieutenant Barringer de la Federal Transport Safety Administration : « La disparition de... Lire la suite
Despite claims that the disappearance of Starship One was due to a failure in the ship’s Frame Shift Drive, rumours abound about a more sinister, possibly extraterrestrial explanation. Alex Snoori, host of the popular interstellar talk show Beyond Top Secret, had this to say to his listeners. “It’s an... Lire la suite
Terrorism Claims Against Wolzan and the Shadow Navy Denounced by Crimson Fortune Company
Actualité GalactiqueFédération 25 mai 2015
Ellie Blossum, The CEO of the Crimson Fortune Company, has today issued a statement regarding the recent unrest in Liaedin. « As many of you know, the Federation’s influence in Liaedin has come under attack in recent months, despite many years of peace between the Blossum and the Faveol families.”... Lire la suite
The return of Onionhead to Panem may be a blessing for the farmers of Kappa Fornacis, but for their neighbours, the Fornacian dream has turned into a living nightmare. “It’s not right,” one concerned resident of the nearby BD-18 394 system told GalNet. “Sure, they’re doing alright over there... Lire la suite
Aisling Opens Art Installation on Emerald
Actualité GalactiqueArissa Lavigny-DuvalEmpire 22 mai 2015
The People’s Princess made an appearance in Cemiess late last night to attend the opening of Emerald’s newest art installation, ‘Prism’s Shades’, a multi-sensory experience that uses experimental light and sound projection technology to stimulate a series of empathic responses from its audience. Aisling dazzled crowds by dressing in... Lire la suite
Sol Unplugged?
Actualité Galactique 16 mai 2015
For the first time in almost a decade, Utopixx Entertainment, the subsidiary of Reynhardt Intellisys responsible for some of the top virtual reality experiences in the galaxy, has posted an operating loss of almost 5,000,000,000,000 credits. Investors were shocked by the news, which saw Reynhardt Intellisys shares drop by... Lire la suite
78 Ursae Majoris Increases Security Ahead of Presidential Visit
Actualité GalactiqueFédérationJasmina Halsey 15 mai 2015
Excitement is in the air in 78 Ursae Majoris, as millions of residents have begun preparing Seddon Gateway for the arrival of Federal President Jasmina Halsey. The exact date of the President’s arrival has yet to be announced, but residents haven’t let that stop them from arranging a week... Lire la suite
New reports from the frontier suggest that a horde of militant nomads is currently sweeping their way through the Pegasi Sector. The group, who call themselves the Kumo Crew, are led by the vicious Warlord Archon Delaine. A talented tactician, and a brutal fighter, Archon famously assumed leadership of... Lire la suite
The Doom That Comes To Quivira
Actualité GalactiqueDenton PatreusGuerres / ConflitsIndépendant 11 mai 2015
For the last week Civil War has ravaged the independent nation of Quivira. Quivira Electronics Plc, acting under orders of Senator Denton Patreus, launched an all out attack on the People’s Quivira for Equality Party, leading to fierce fighting between the two parties in the skies above Godel and... Lire la suite
On Friday the Green Party of Diso announced their plans to rejuvenate the failing financial fortunes of Birmingham. The news was well received by independent traders from across the galaxy, many of whom immediately made their way to Diso to help ship Machinery for the Green Party of Diso.... Lire la suite