Children of Liberty call out Alliance Hypocrisy
Post Views: 934 A group calling itself the ‘Children of Liberty’ has made a public statement concerning the Alliance and what they call its “rampant hypocrisy”. The group claims that a « huge gulf » exists between the Alliance’s professed goals and values and the reality present in many of its... Lire la suite
Chancellor Blaine Issues Statement
Post Views: 1 665 With no clear successor to the Emperor, Chancellor Blaine has accepted the task of governing the Empire until the succession has been determined. He reiterated his statement that the matter would be resolved after Emperor’s funeral. He then revealed more about the investigation into the regicide:... Lire la suite
Post Views: 948 Chancellor Anders Blaine held a press conference in front of the entrance to the Hall of Martyrs and declared the beginning of the official period of mourning for Emperor Hengist Duval: “It is my solemn duty to officially mark the first day of the four-week period... Lire la suite
Gutamaya Shipyards Reinstates Restrictions
Post Views: 1 005 Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards temporarily lifted the rank-related restrictions on the Imperial Clipper and Imperial Courier, thereby allowing any independent pilot with an active rank in the Imperial Navy to purchase and fly one of the vessels. Following news of the Emperor’s assassination, however, Gutamaya Shipyards... Lire la suite
Le combat contra la peste Cerberus gagne du terrain
Post Views: 2 363 Le combat contre la Peste de Cerbère, qui a jusqu’à présent à emportée des milliers de vies, semble gagner du terrain. Après les efforts d’équipes médicales pour livrer l’antidote aux systèmes affectés par la maladie, les rapports indiquent que la peste a été éradiquée dans les... Lire la suite
La peste de Cerbère Continue à affecter des stations
Post Views: 1 074 Bien qu’un remède pour la Peste Cerberus ait été trouvé, la maladie n’a pas encore été supprimée et continue à faire des ravages dans de certains systèmes. Les systèmes suivants sont actuellement infectés par la Peste Cantjarisni Rajukru HIP 10175 Amahu Leerham BD-11 4280 Louguala Dans... Lire la suite
Further Outbreaks of Cerberus Plague
Post Views: 1 073 While medical teams across the galaxy work to deliver the Cerberus Plague antidote to systems affected by the disease, fresh outbreaks of the pathogen are appearing in other systems. According to recent reports, the following systems are currently affected by the Cerberus Plague: Altair 39 Tauri... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 002 Even though the ceremony won’t start until midday, well-wishers have been lining the procession route throughout the night to ensure they have a good position. The weather here is clear and warm for this auspicious day, and billions of people are expected to watch the event... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 552 The city is in a state of shock following news that the Emperor was attacked by a high-ranking official during the wedding ceremony. Details of the attack are scant at the moment as a total comms blackout was imposed throughout the immediate area following the incident.... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 001 It is with a heavy heart that we report that Emperor Hengist Duval died en route to the Imperial Navy Medical Facility near the Imperial Palace. Confirmation of the news came from Chancellor Anders Blaine, who appeared visibly upset. He confirmed that the Emperor died after... Lire la suite