Rapport GalNet des Echanges Aggrégés
“Faulcon deLacy” continue de dominer les ventes avec 40% des ventes totales sur le marché cette semaine. Bien que les nouvelles de la “Core Dynamics” à dû les remettre en place, nous avons entendu des rumeurs comme quoi une groupe de personnages importants se congratulaient en fumant des cigares... Lire la suite
Alerte aux Pilotes d’Elite de la Fédération
Les autorités indiquent avoir réussis à contenir la dramatique augmentation du marché noir la semaine passée, indiqué par un ralentissement considérable du nombre de biens illégaux échangés ces dernières semaines. En réponse, le marché à montré une bonne santé cette semaine après la débacle des semaines précédentes et gagne... Lire la suite
New Technology Powers Exploration
The Pilot’s Federation has made the Universal Cartographics Discovery Module a standard component in all Sidewinder loadouts. The Discovery Module is activated via a fire group, and works at both standard and supercruise speeds. Once charged, it emits radiation bursts and analyzes reflections and reactions to build an overview... Lire la suite
History of the Eranin Conflict
Now into its fifth day, the Eranin civil war has escalated quickly. The system’s independence celebrations saw mass exports of celebratory liquor, a practice banned in short order by the Federation. The perceived Federal opposition to the Independent communist regime sparked anti-government protests and the rise of pro-Federation rebels... Lire la suite
Eranin Civil War Escalates
The Azebanian provincial city of New Fresno fell to rebel forces this morning as the civil war moved into its fourth day. Thousands of pro-government refugees have fled to Azeban’s historical capital city of Fort Bradley, escaping what is believed to be, thus far, a largely bloodless rebellion. The... Lire la suite
Eranin and Rebel Peace Talks Fail – War Declared!
Yesterday’s peace talks between the Eranin government and Federation-leaning rebels collapsed into chaos yesterday. An ambassador of the Independent Alliance was due to attend in support of Eranin but did not arrive – furious Eranin government officials accused the Federation of interference. It seems Ambassador Eliza Fernandez was delayed... Lire la suite
Commander Activity as Unrest Spreads
In response to the Eranin government’s call yesterday for a wider spread of its now-infamous celebration liquor, there has been much activity involving large amounts of liquor in several systems. Over 30 Commanders have taken liquor to Opala’s Romanenko Estate. In LHS 3262, CMDR Waugh and CMDR Sophie-Beth have... Lire la suite
Eranin and Rebels in Federation-Brokered Peace Talks
As Eranin 30th Anniversary celebratory liquor is spread far and wide, the Federation Black Ops teams are moving to more overt than covert operations in support of the rebels, removing all doubt that the rebels are a Federation proxy. Consequently, the gloves are now well and truly off in... Lire la suite
Eranin vs Federation – Commander Reactions
There are still commanders such as CMDR Pheyes who are ambivalent about their allegiance and appear to be indiscriminate in their targeting. Many more, however, appear to be aligning themselves strongly with one camp or the other. CMDR zenoic neatly summed up Eranin supporters’ feelings. « Freedom, yes. Freedom to... Lire la suite
Eranin vs Federation – Commander Reactions
Perhaps rather than conflict, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus’ characterization of the situation around Eranin yesterday as ‘civil war’ is growing more accurate by the day… Commanders continue to fly in support of both sides of the conflict, although with a slight majority on the Federal side – the side... Lire la suite