Un portrait de Jordan Rochester
Devant la ferveur populaire suscitée par le fiancé de la princesse Aisling Duval, l’ambassadeur de la Fédération Jordan Rochester, la journaliste politique Cassia Carvalho a dressé son portrait pour le compte de l’Imperial Herald : « Hier quasiment inconnu dans l’Empire, le nom de Jordan Rochester est aujourd’hui sur toutes les... Lire la suite
Fiançailles d’Aisling Duval avec l’ambassadeur de la Fédération !
La princesse Aisling Duval vient de créer la surprise en éclaircissant la nature de sa relation avec Jordan Rochester, l’ambassadeur de la Fédération. Lors d’une conférence de presse dans son palais d’Emerald, la princesse, radieuse, a fait part de sa joie : « Il est de notoriété publique que Jordan et... Lire la suite
Les funerailles de l’Empereur Hengist Duval
Les funérailles de l’empereur Hengist Duval, le 15e empereur dans la ligne Duval, se sont déroulées aujourd’hui au milieu d’une foule de plusieurs millions de personnes au Capitole dans le système Achenar. Le cortège funèbre venus de tout l’empire bordait les rues du Capitole. Partout dans la ville, les... Lire la suite
Florence Lavigny Calls for Calm
In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall and answered a few questions. Her comments come amongst rising tensions on Capitol. “We must remember proper decorum in... Lire la suite
Patreus Reacts Angrily to Crowd’s Taunts
Some elements of the lower-level Imperial political scene have challenged Senator Denton Patreus to explain his connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the assassin responsible for the murder of the Emperor during the wedding ceremony with Florence Lavigny. Since the revelation of the assassin’s identity the senator has steadfastly refused... Lire la suite
Even though the ceremony won’t start until midday, well-wishers have been lining the procession route throughout the night to ensure they have a good position. The weather here is clear and warm for this auspicious day, and billions of people are expected to watch the event live through syndicated... Lire la suite
The city is in a state of shock following news that the Emperor was attacked by a high-ranking official during the wedding ceremony. Details of the attack are scant at the moment as a total comms blackout was imposed throughout the immediate area following the incident. One of our... Lire la suite
It is with a heavy heart that we report that Emperor Hengist Duval died en route to the Imperial Navy Medical Facility near the Imperial Palace. Confirmation of the news came from Chancellor Anders Blaine, who appeared visibly upset. He confirmed that the Emperor died after being stabbed by... Lire la suite
The atmosphere here on Capitol is electric. The whole city is abuzz with what some commentators have declared ‘The Wedding of the Century’. Street parties are in full swing in every Imperial system , but none compare to the grand events underway here at the birthplace of the Empire,... Lire la suite
Senator Patreus Supports Stability
Many report that the Senate hasn’t enjoyed such a positive atmosphere since the coronation of Hengist Duval nearly 70 years ago. This happy feeling continued today with Senator Denton Patreus taking his turn to congratulate the Emperor on his return to health and for the upcoming wedding. “I have... Lire la suite