Arrivée des premiers dignitaires sur Capitol
La scène n’est pas sans évoquer le mois de janvier dernier, quand venus des quatre coins de l’Empire, les premiers dignitaires affluaient sur Capitol. Aujourd’hui encore, les établissements d’hébergement de luxe affichent complet, et certains sénateurs accueillent à présent chez eux certains visiteurs influents afin de s’assurer qu’ils soient... Lire la suite
Emperor’s Grace and Cosmic State Commence Weapons Manufacture
Following the very recent expansion by Emperor’s Grace into an Imperial system, a suitable industrial location for the production of advanced technology and weapons has been identified. It is deep within Imperial space and protected by forces loyal to Emperor’s Grace. The unnamed system presently has production facilities for... Lire la suite
Carns Economic Success
Newly promoted Chief Communications Officer Ramon Lamor held an enthusiastic press conference announcing the success of Humason Orbital’s project to upgrade its economy to High Tech. “This is great news for our future. This economic development will lead to a new era of prosperity for Humason Orbital and the... Lire la suite
The Code Leaves Archon Delaine’s Crew
Some months ago, Archon approaches Captain Anopheles of The Code and says: ‘Ano, you’re my kind of guy. Your crew has been making waves as the most successful of all the pirate crews. Come over to me and make an alliance. I have my tech guys making some sweeeeeeeet... Lire la suite
Operation Davy Jones – Frontline report
It has been over two weeks since the Kumo Crew’s attempted expansion into the Imperial system of Cuchua was answered with ‘Operation Davy Jones’. With Imperial Commanders combining their efforts to contain and eventually wipe out the pirate organisation, the Pegasi Sector has been under siege. With an end... Lire la suite
The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations
In this latest edition of GalNet’s series relating key points in human history, popular historian Sima Kalhana addresses the rise of the first mega-corporation. Apart from a few isolated backwater systems, the presence of mega-corporations is ubiquitous throughout civilised space. Massive as many of these organisations are, none of... Lire la suite
À la rencontre des puissances galactiques : Aisling Duval
Au cours de cette nouvelle série exclusive à GalNet, le politologue Marcus Macmallan décortique le apssé et les motivations des personnalités les plus influentes de l’année 3301. Ce premier article est consacré à la reine des médias, l’adorable égérie de la politique impériale, la princesse Aisling Duval. Fille aînée... Lire la suite