78 Ursae Majoris célèbre la sécurité avec une vente de bouclier
Après une série d’escarmouches entre pilotes indépendants et pirates, ainsi qu’une bataille contre les Sobek Boys, 78 Ursae Majoris a été confronté à une menace de sa sécurité dans la perspective de la visite prévue de la Président fédérale Jasmina Halsey. Les nouvelles de l’accident catastrophique, soupçonné d’avoir détruit... Lire la suite
Un vote de confiance au Congrès
Il y a du sang dans l’eau et les politiciens ont commencé à chasser leurs proies. Hier, le Shadow Président Hudson a enregistré une motion au Congrès demandant qu’ils émettent un vote de défiance contre le gouvernement de la Présidente Halsey. La motion a été acceptée, et le vote... Lire la suite
Dysfonctionnement ou Malice ?
Cela fait maintenant cinq jours que le contact avec Starship One a été perdu, et les équipes de recherche et de sauvetage n’ont pas encore trouvé de trace du navire manquant ou de son équipage. Selon le lieutenant Barringer de la Federal Transport Safety Administration : « La disparition de... Lire la suite
Winters Willingly Agrees to Vote
Following Shadow President Zachary Hudson’s call to have Congress issue a Vote of No Confidence against President Jasmina Halsey, Acting President Felicia Winters held a press conference outside Congress to address the Shadow President’s concerns about the future. “Let me start by saying how truly saddened I am by... Lire la suite
Hudson Calls for Vote of No Confidence
Shadow President Zachary Hudson has continued his criticism of Halsey’s administration, finally moving to the feared vote of no confidence. In his address to Congress, Shadow President Hudson has made it clear the situation needs a resolution. “These are uncertain times and, with no disrespect to Jasmina’s memory, we... Lire la suite
The Truth is Out There
Despite claims that the disappearance of Starship One was due to a failure in the ship’s Frame Shift Drive, rumours abound about a more sinister, possibly extraterrestrial explanation. Alex Snoori, host of the popular interstellar talk show Beyond Top Secret, had this to say to his listeners. “It’s an... Lire la suite
Emergency Session of Congress
Shadow President Hudson today called an Emergency Session of Congress to address concerns surrounding Starship One’s disappearance. During the meeting, the Shadow President openly mocked the idea that Starship One’s disappearance could have been caused by simple engine failure. “Jasmina and I weren’t close – heck, we hated each... Lire la suite
Shades of the Antares Incident
At a press conference held earlier today, Acting Federal President Felicia Winters made a personal appearance to address the rdisappearance of Starship One after failing to re-enter normal space following a routine hyperspace jump. “The disappearance of Starship One has us all on edge. Tensions are high, and the... Lire la suite
Federal Search Efforts Continue
It has been almost 48 hours since the disappearance of Starship One. Early reports indicated that the ship was lost with all hands, and in this instance GalNet is pleased to announce that the early reports were mistaken. Three ships from Starship One’s Guardian Wing made contact with Navy... Lire la suite
Federal State of Emergency: Winters Declared Acting President
At 15:00 hours universal galactic time on 26th May 3301, Secretary of State Felicia Winters assumed the role of Acting President of the Federation in the wake of the disappearance of Spaceflight One. Speaking in an emergency broadcast to the nation, Acting President Winters had this to say: “It... Lire la suite