Un sérieux soutien de plus en faveur du sénateur Arissa Lavigny-Duval Sur Capitol, les rumeurs vont bon train depuis que le Sénateur Denton Patreus a prononcé une déclaration ouverte en faveur de la sénatrice Arissa Lavigny-Duval. Sans être forcément un fervent soutien de l’Empereur, Patreus commande une flotte considérable,...
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Le sénateur Patreus un retour en grâce parmis ses soutiens depuis sa déclaration de guerre contre le groupe responsable du meurtre de l’empereur Hengist Duval. Les rapports de la campagne ont indiqué que Emperor’s Dawn revendique maintenant la responsabilité du regicide, bien que cela n’ait pas encore été confirmé....
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Some of the more sordid elements of Imperial media have continued their campaign against Senator Patreus about his connection with Emperor Hengist Duval’s killer. Over the past week Senator Patreus and his followers staying on Capitol have endured abuse from their accusers whenever they appear in public. This escalated...
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The government of the Apalar system has issued an unusual request, inviting independent pilots to help them elevate their system’s economy. According to Omar Jordan, governor of Svavarsson Terminal, the system is strategically positioned between the territories of several major powers, and is therefore ideally placed to provide these...
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Rumour has it that several Imperial Commanders are closing in on a well-known smuggling route between the Torval and Delaine owned systems. Imperial slaves are illegal in Delaine space but sell for a small fortune on the black market. The Empire hates this because it takes what they consider...
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Meet the Powers – Zemina Torval Senator Zemina Torval is the subject of this article from political commentator Marcus Macmillan about the movers and shakers in 3301. In many ways Senator Torval represents the solid and traditional politics of the Imperial Senate. She is seen as a paradox by...
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Latest Powerplay Column Another week has passed, and the great and powerful of the galaxy continue to vie for power and influence. Who has prospered? Who has struggled? Read on to find out. Arissa Lavigny-Duval continued to expand at a rapid pace despite the fact that having her forces...
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For months, Aisling’s Angels have been working hard to support their mistress in her quest to bring about meaningful social change in the Empire. As part of their efforts, millions of slaves have been set free, retrained and rehomed in accordance with Aisling’s wishes. When she lost her bet...
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It has been some time since the Kappa Fornacis Farmers Union has dared to draw attention to itself beyond its home system. However, following a reported trade deal with one of Senator Zemina Torval’s corporations, the farmers of Panem look a good deal more confident. Georgio Algeria, spokesman for...
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A little over six months ago, the newly discovered naturally occurring plant known as Onionhead was made illegal throughout all of Federal space. Not long after, in an attempt to stop the spread of Onionhead, the Federation launched a violent campaign against the innocent farmers of Kappa Fornacis, led...
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