Une faction lance un appel d’offre pour du narcotique « Onionhead »
Initiatives Interstellaires & CGOnionhead 19 novembre 2015
Une faction connue sous le nom de Drug Empire of Xelabara a émis un appel d’offre pour le narcotique controversé de « onionhead ». La drogue était autrefois une marchandise commerciale importante, mais elle a subi un revers l’année dernière quand l’ancienne présidente fédérale Jasmina Halsey l’a déclarée illégale dans l’espace... Lire la suite
Controlling the Credit Crops
FédérationOnionheadPolitique/économieZachary HudsonZemina Torval 11 juin 2015
A little over six months ago, the newly discovered naturally occurring plant known as Onionhead was made illegal throughout all of Federal space. Not long after, in an attempt to stop the spread of Onionhead, the Federation launched a violent campaign against the innocent farmers of Kappa Fornacis, led... Lire la suite
Emergency Session of Congress
Disparition de Jasmina HasleyEmpireJasmina HalseyOnionheadPolitique/économieZachary Hudson 28 mai 2015
Shadow President Hudson today called an Emergency Session of Congress to address concerns surrounding Starship One’s disappearance. During the meeting, the Shadow President openly mocked the idea that Starship One’s disappearance could have been caused by simple engine failure. “Jasmina and I weren’t close – heck, we hated each... Lire la suite
The return of Onionhead to Panem may be a blessing for the farmers of Kappa Fornacis, but for their neighbours, the Fornacian dream has turned into a living nightmare. “It’s not right,” one concerned resident of the nearby BD-18 394 system told GalNet. “Sure, they’re doing alright over there... Lire la suite
President Under Pressure to Punish Panem
FédérationOnionheadPolitique/économieZachary Hudson 14 avril 2015
Shadow President Hudson appeared before Congress earlier today to demand that President Halsey address the continued spread of Onionhead throughout Federal space. Despite the implementation of aggressive Federal policies aimed at criminalising possession and distribution of Onionhead, recent reports suggest that Onionhead sales have gone up by as much... Lire la suite
The Federal ban may have been enough to scare the Tanmark Defence Force into purging Lucan Onionhead plantations from their world, but Panem continues to stand defiant. It’s been only two weeks since the original Onionhead went back on sale in Harvestport, and already the supply has started flowing... Lire la suite
Thousands of traders have started flocking back to Kappa Fornacis following the announcement that Onionhead is once again available for sale onboard Harvestport. Demand for the original strain of Onionhead has remained high over the last few months, despite (or perhaps due to) the Federation’s attempts to completely wipe... Lire la suite
Late Night Session Held Over Lugh Escalation
FédérationGuerre de LughGuerres / ConflitsOnionheadPiratesZachary Hudson 24 mars 2015
The debate in Congress turned ugly tonight, as members of both parties grilled the President over her mishandling of the Federation’s interests during the last six months. Particularly hot topics included the heavy-handed ban against Onionhead, the resultant bombing of Panem, the loss of multiple frontier systems to pirates... Lire la suite
Onionhead Returns to Kappa Fornacis
Actualité GalactiqueFédérationJasmina HalseyOnionhead 19 mars 2015
The Kappa Fornacis Farmers Union appears to be up to its old tricks again, as news has started to come out of the region that Onionhead is once again available in the ports around Panem. “We aren’t going to be kept down by the man, man,” Georgio Algeria announced... Lire la suite
Malgré le succès accablant de la Defence Force of Tanmark pour arrêter les opérations du Tanmark Posse sur Luca, des centaines de vaisseaux pirates banalisés ont attaqués d’innocents marchands alors qu’ils venaient réaliser leur business dans le système. Il apparaîtrait que la récente vague d’activité criminelle a été déclenchée... Lire la suite