The spectre of President Halsey’s disappearance in Starship One refuses to die down. Despite the findings of the official report some claim that the matter is far from closed. One such person is self-proclaimed conspiracy expert Ricardo Bentonio on his investigative show ‘The Hidden World’: “They took her for...
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Deux personnes sont mortes dans une colision entre un véhicule personnel et un vaisseau de transport lourd Lakon Type-9. Le petit vaisseau, le genre utilisé pour se déplacer entre les installations orbitales, a été détruit dans l’impact. Le petit vaisseau transportait deux agents officiels de la sûreté du transport...
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Social historians sometimes have a tendency to focus on the rich and powerful, forgetting that the people who dwell on society’s margins can also have an impact on the shape of the galaxy. In this new series, we take a look at some of recent history’s less well-known figures,...
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In respect of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval the planned article for this week has been moved to next week so that historian Sima Kalhana relates some of the key moments from his life. Emperor Hengist Duval was the 15th in the Imperial Duval bloodline to lead the...
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Federal prosecutor Kerstin Marling has brought charges against the former Governor of BD-22 3572, Joel Xander, in the Federal court in Rhea. Marling stated that she has evidence that Xander had been receiving financial support from local leaders King Justice II and Supreme Leader Anxo Lino of BD-22 3573...
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Continuing this GalNet exclusive series, political commentator Marcus Macmillan writes his opinion of some of the movers and shakers in 3301. In this fifth article he analyses Federal President Zachary Hudson. Republican President Zachary Hudson became President after the disappearance of President Halsey and a vote of no confidence...
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Unaffiliated supporters of Arissa Lavigny-Duval have today voiced concerns at rumours of an escalating intervention in the Pegasi Sector on the part of Lavigny’s Legion. Discussion of the the highly publicised plight of Imperial citizens living in volumes of space controlled by Archon Delaine’s Kumo Crew dominated newsfeeds and...
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Les efforts déployés par les forces impériales engagés dans l’opération « Davy Jones » ont poursuivi cette semaine, les assaillants ont maintenus la pression sur les forces dispersées et abattues d’Archon Delaine. Cependant, bien que les pilotes engagés dans l’opération restent optimistes après une série de succès locaux, la campagne a...
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Federation Secession Crisis Debate continues to rage in local governments throughout the Pegasi sector over Senator Lavigny-Duval’s invitation to become Imperial citizens. The debate has reached a fevered pitch in some systems. « Our petitions for assistance from the Federation have fallen on deaf ears for months now. I’m tired...
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In this latest edition of GalNet’s series relating key points in human history, popular historian Sima Kalhana addresses the rise of the first mega-corporation. Apart from a few isolated backwater systems, the presence of mega-corporations is ubiquitous throughout civilised space. Massive as many of these organisations are, none of...
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