Infection Running Rampant in BD-02 4304
Actualité GalactiquePeste CerberusSantéSciences 30 juin 2015 Bot Galnet

Hundreds of businesses have closed and thousands of people are quarantined following an outbreak aboard Newton Dock in what could be the most devastating epidemic of the decade.
The illness, the origins of which are currently unknown, has made its way across much of the region. Reports are coming in from surrounding systems indicating that the infection might already be spreading.
Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, released the following statement in regards to the spread of this disease:
“At the risk of causing a panic, it is my duty to report that the outbreak is spreading at an alarming rate. Until we have identified how it managed to reach so many systems in such a short span of time, residents are advised to stay in their homes and travellers are advised to avoid the area.”
“Early signs of infection include vomiting blood, excessive sweating, sores and waves of intense dizziness. If you suspect you’ve been infected, please report to the local authorities at the earliest available opportunity. They will inform you how to proceed.”
In total almost 27 million residents now find themselves at risk from either disease, famine or both.