Emperor Hengist Duval Dead
Anders BlaineAssassinat de l'EmpereurDenton PatreusEmpireHengist DuvalMariages 5 août 2015 Bot Galnet
It is with a heavy heart that we report that Emperor Hengist Duval died en route to the Imperial Navy Medical Facility near the Imperial Palace. Confirmation of the news came from Chancellor Anders Blaine, who appeared visibly upset.
He confirmed that the Emperor died after being stabbed by a member of the congregation. Chancellor Blaine refused to provide any details of the attacker, but stated that a full investigation was underway.
A source from the Imperial Intelligence Service told us that the attacker was a member of Senator Denton Patreus’s party attending the wedding. The Senator was unavailable for comment.
In the streets, the Imperial Naval Infantry has started ushering people home as the official period of mourning begins.
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