Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 577 The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with numbers of illegally traded items considerable down on last week.

As a result the markets show a healthy rise this week after last week’s slump with trading profits up by almost 50%.

The recent reduction in commodity supply rates have driven traders farther afield in search of profitable trade routes, but it would seem that only 2% of Commanders can really call themselves adventurers visiting more than 20 different markets when exploring for opportunities and no single Commander has yet to trade commodities in every single market currently available. There are big profits to be made out there and new markets to trade in for Commanders who dare to travel!

Puzzled mechanics working in shipyards across the sector have noticed that some Frameshift drive cores have needed replacing much earlier than expected. One was overheard talking in a bar on Smithy’s Claim: « These cores are normally good for 1000 light years, and yet nearly 1 in 20 of my customers has needed a complete drive overhaul, where have these Commanders been flying? »

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::

Ship Sales (by market share)
Module popularity has settled down, with Commanders strongly favouring Gimballed Multicannon and Fixed Cannon, Pulse Lasers and Burst Lasers.

Faulcon deLacy have been beating their chests this week, not only have they see a big rise in sales of all three of their ships which, now combined account for 40% of the market, we have also seen the introduction of their new retro flag range from ancient Earth, as custom Viper paint jobs. Clearly talks of an expanded product range were not just rumour!

All the other shipyards appear to have kept their market positions. Zorgon Peterson’s stalwart Hauler maintained its consistency with 27% market share and Lakon saw a slight drop of less than 1% in both their Type 6 and Type 9 ships which doesn’t seem to concern them too much.
Core Dynamics remain please with the slow but steady growth of Eagle sales this week reaching 14% of the overall market.

Most Profit Made From:
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Most traded black market goods:
Battle Weapons

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Domestic Appliances
Computer Components

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
LFT 880: Baker Platform

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect : Consumer Technology
i Bootis: Chango Dock : Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
i Bootis: Chango Dock : Computer Components
h Draconis: Brislington : Domestic Appliances

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
**LHS 417:Gernhardt Camp**
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis